Siding & Polymer Door Window Systems Production Facility - Gaziantep

Since 2001, in the 50.000 m² Gaziantep facility American Siding that is the first siding product in the sector is being produced. In the facility that works with 4.000.000 m² capacity annually, Winer polymer door and window systems are produced with 18.000 tones capacity annually.

XPS & Bitumen Membrane Production Facility - İstanbul

In the modern facilities based on a 50.000 m² field in Silivri İstanbul, the production of sector leading Bonus|Pan XPS and Bonus|Focus Membrane are being done. The facility that produces Bonus|Pan XPS, the biggest and the strongest brand in the Turkish market, with 550.000 m3/year capacity, makes the Bonus|Focus Membrane production with a 12.000.000 m²/year capacity.

Stone Wool Production Facility- Sakarya

In the Hendek Sakarya facilities, the most modern facility of the sector based on 50.000 m² field, stone wool production is made.

The stone wool facility has operated with 40.000 tone/year capacity since 2012 when it was established till the end of 2016, and today continues its operations with 100.000 tone/year production volume in total together with the capacity increase with the latest technology.

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Sed molestie augue sit amet leo consequat posuere. Vestibul ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere ile cubilia Curae; Proin vel ante a orci tempus eleifend ut.